Compilación Poética de los autores participantes en la Feria Internacional del Libro de la Ciudad de Nueva York 2019
Edited by: Carlos Velásquez Torres
artepoética press
Literary collaborations offer the possibility to share with others a common ground, to create and offer a collective landscape: to manifest a shared perspective on the things of the world. Particular subjects and preoccupations, the celebration of a cultural heritage, the exploration of a particular literary genre. All reasons are good reasons to create and also to be part of an anthology.
These are the collections I’ve been invited to participate in, as a poet, as an essayist, and as a story-teller.
Edited by: Carlos Velásquez Torres
artepoética press
Compilación Poética de los autores participantes en la Feria Internacional del Libro de la Ciudad de Nueva York 2019